
As 2022 is coming to an end it’s a great time for me to reflect on things that happened throughout the year - therefore, I wanted to relive some of these moments by jotting them down here.

The first thing that comes to mind is one of the largest mobile development conferences in Europe - droidcon London 2022.

If you’ve never heard of droidcon, it’s one of the best excuses for the Android platform community to catch up in person to socialize & share expertise as well as best practices through workshops and talks. Learn more & find the nearest one to you on droidcon.com!

The Conference

During the 2-day conference, there were 100+ tech talks across 5 simultaneous tracks. I’ll barely scratch the surface here, but I’ll give it a shot anyway.

Without further ado, let’s address the elephant in the room.

ASOS talks

I’m an Android engineer at ASOS, so I’m really stoked to see my colleagues bring 2 talks to the conference this year 👏

Here’s the thing. Call me biased, but Savvas & Ed were great! So be sure to check them out.

☁️ Back to front - Backend technologies for the frontend developer
by Savvas Dalkitsis on droidcon.com

Find Savvas on https://card.savvas.cloud/

🔒 How to become your app’s ‘security champion’
by Ed George on droidcon.com

Find Ed on https://www.spght.dev/

Other awesome talks

Although I can’t fit everything in here, all of them were amazing, so I encourage you to check the other ones out on the droidcon portal.

💥 Keynote: The Silver Bullet Syndrome Director’s Cut - Complexity Strikes Back! by Hadi Hariri

💭 Behind The Screen: The Humans Who Use Our Code by Matt McKenna & Adam McNeilly

🏹 Design for errors - An introduction to Domain Modeling with Arrow by Ivan Morgillo

📸 Snapshot testing (and more!) with Paparazzi by John Rodriguez

📝 Observation-based product development using Flutter by Mangirdas Kazlauskas

🪐 Another World in Flutter by Simon Lightfoot

🎨 Branching out to Jetpack Compose by Nacho López & Chris Banes

🧵 How the Android Framework Monitors, Processes, and Triggers ANRs by Jamie Lynch

Did you see any of the droidcon content that you found interesting?
Let me know!

What Else?

Won my first-ever Android miniature! 🤖

I’ve picked a Tech Support Engineer one 🤩 No more IT issues at home!

Obligatory selfie with Dash 🐦

With Dash, Nick & Majid

That’s all for this time

Already looking forward to what’s next to come 🚀

Thanks for tagging along ✌️
Catch you at one of the conferences in the future!